Friday, October 26, 2012

Something encouraging!!

God you bring healing in your presence.      
 You part the cloudy skies in my head restoring who I really am who you made me to be! 
As my heart beats so fast it feels as if it's going to burst in this tidalwave of emotion.    as You part the clouds in my head, I see You, I see You standing there telling me to come and be with You to rest in Your presence, and in that instant Your words    cause my heart to burst in an overwhelming explosion of fire, for it has wanted to hear those words since it's first beat. You tell me that that is how I have felt for you since before you where concieved, and again my heart bursts, bursts in an overwhelming explosion of Love and emotion, God I can't handle this my mouth cries out I can't handle this fire burning in me I can't contain it I can't contain this!!!  then I hear You say " it isn't to be containd my son, it is to burn bright! to bring light to the darkest places in this world to illuminate those dark places to bring healing to the hearts of those you come  across, to purify to bring out the gold, for there is gold all around you but unless you burn bright in My love in My presence you won't be able to see it for it's hidden in the dark places, hidden beneath feer, shame, guilt, anger, unforgiveness, lies and every other thing the enemy has used to try and cover the gold in people's hearts, so go forth burn bright in My love in My presence! Speek life to the dry broken places! as I hear this I feel so ashamed that I've bean so afraid to let that fire burn in me, but that feeling melts away almost in the same instant it came, for I could hear my Father tell me I am his beloved and that His heart burns for me that it cries out day and night for me. In hearing those words my heart explodes again and I can't contain it I won't contain it!! for in You presence is where I belong ,in your firery presence is where I long to be, I don't ever want to let this fire go out! 

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