Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inner thoughts on creativity

  What's the use of being creative if your not creating. I hate this feeling, this feeling like I should be creating, but have no idea what to creat. I should be making art, a song, a drawing, anything new really. Instead I sit with this pit in my stomach, wishing I could use this creativity inside to creat, but instead I watch movies and read stories created by others. I haven't picked up a pen in months and to finally do so is amazing, even if it's to write about how lazy I feel. I feel like I've been wasting everything that's been given me. That's not such a good feeling. So I will write, I will draw, I will design and build, and this is the way it will start, on this page with this pen. Wow I feel suprisingly better, all I need now is to not stop creating and at the very least write words that haven't been written before. 
 After all we were created to creat, so it should come as no suprise that creating and being creative brings such a sense of fulfillment. Even if it's just words on a screen or on a piece of paper. 

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