Sunday, October 28, 2012

Homeless man on a train.

So what are we thinking when we look at the man sitting across from us who has clearly shit his pants, what do we think when we look at the man who has no home, has no place to sleep, who just has his suitcase and soiled pants. Do we just think wow I'm glad that's not me or anyone I know, or do we just look away and pretend we can't see taste or smell the person sitting across from us. Do we just walk to another part of the train, to avoid the assualt on our senses and emotions. Or does our heart break as we sit in silence pretending not to feel, taste see or smell the person sitting across from us who has clearly soiled themselves. Do we question why someone would try and help the man, off the train, do we laugh inside thinking I'm sure glad I'm not trying to help, or are we wondering why didn't I stand up, why didn't I help or where we to busy trying to ignore the asault on our senses and our emotions, but the jokes on us cause the asault didn't end with the man, getting off the train for the smell is still lingering and reminding us of him, but we settle back thinking im just glad it's no one I know. But I'd like to ask, what if it was someone you knew, would it really change anything, I'm sure that man had friends and family at one point, maybe they are doing what we are doing, and just trying to ignore the asault on there senses. 

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